Home Construction

The Best Safe Rooms and Storm Shelters


Recently I was going through my YouTube station and was astonished to see that one of our videos had over 100,000 views!  Of course that was a big surprise but what was even bigger was the subject manner – storm shelters/safe rooms.

Thinking back or the last several years there has been a steady increase in interest.  So much so that I now routinely include the cost of above ground and below ground storm shelters as an option in my home bids.

Let’s take a look at the different types of shelters.  Recently we contracted RhinoVault to construct an 8 x 10 above ground safe room.  RhinoVault specializes in custom sizes and

can build a safe room or security vault to fit any specifications.  Safe rooms and Vaults must be anchored to a sound concrete slab to provide FEMA rated high wind protection.  This is achieved by using high strength wedge type anchors along the bottom flange of each safe room and vault.  Our recent install integrated the unit into the floor plan and all electrical, HVAC, security and communication were figured into the design.  This install was protected from detection by hiding the structure from view.  The room was also equipped with a FEMA 320 rated door.

Other above ground safes rooms can be constructed on site and integrated into the construction of the home using FEMA’s guidelines.

The second type of storm shelter is below ground.  In areas of the country where there are basements these below ground rooms can be easily constructed inside the basement.

FEMA also has specification for this type of construction.  In most areas in the south the ground is too volatile to cost effectively build a basement, so below ground shelters are prebuilt modules that are built into the slab of the home.  Storm Safe Tornado shelters are prebuilt metal modules that install easily in the garage, on the patio, or in an outbuilding.  These shelters come in a variety of sizes and are easy to access.   These shelters are designed and approved by a Registered Professional Engineer Seal and meet or exceed FEMA guidelines.

Feel free to contact me at mike@etpinnaclehomes.com if you have any questions about these types of shelters.

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